My little-BIG first grader! We started 1st grade and love it! On the way to school Beth Anne had the biggest grin on her face. She was so excited and maybe a little nervous. I was more nervous than she was I knew she would be fine, its just that she is getting so big. She is loving school which is such a blessing!
Beth Anne and her teacher Mrs. Gilland. We feel so blessed to be where we are and to have Mrs. Gilland as our teacher!
John Mark loves Mrs. Wright! We go everyday now! One in first grade and one in pre-school. 4 stops throughout the day I feel like I am driving a school bus. Thanks to a neighbor I have started car pooling. If you feel like you are driving a school bus try car pooling. It's Wonderful!!!
What precious kiddos!!!!!
Yea for y'all! They're getting so big so fast!
cute pictures!
Just found your blog from Living Proof blog. YOU were at the Simulcast today... and I was too in Douglas Ga. The thing is... my daughter who is away at college came to the church YOU were at and she heard Beth there. It was so powerful. She spoke into our life. She was from the Baptist College in Graceville. I think she will visit your church again.
We are 200 miles apart and I miss her dearly... but today we were both listening to Beth at the same time... God is faithful.
Love your pics on your blog. Hopefully you and my girl can meet at your church soon. She plans to come visit. :)
Love carpooling and love you!
Hi, Emily! It's me again... Just wanted to let you know that my daughter joined Calvary this past Sunday. I told her to look for you.
Thanks ...she is very excited about Calvary.
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